I'm still amazed from this morning news... a clash of realities...
It snowed 10cm overnight in London. A white and silky blanket covered London. What a cool sight!
I went downstairs, turned the tv on... just in time to be splattered by the adult world reality (bbc news) describing this morning situation as 'near-blizzard conditions shredding the country travel network into pieces' or how London commuters were facing 'another travel chaos bringing the country to a stand still'.
I then went to work, walking down the road to the train station... just in time to be cheered up by the children world reality. All I could hear were screams of joy and laughter from kids discovering the snow and fighting in this new over-night playground!!!
While the US are living in the Scare Culture, UK adulthood has embraced another type... The Gloom Culture!!! sad.
Nevertheless, I let you enjoy this morning beautiful view.

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